David Carey, ACC   

David Carey
  • 4387773597
  • CareyForward
  • Centre du Québec | Grand Montréal
''Be the change you wish to see in the world'' Ghandi

I am convinced of the transformational impact of coaching. Helping Executives and managers to challenge their perceptions, think outside the box and grow as leaders is my greatest satisfaction

Trois mots qui me décrivent comme coach

  • Authentic
  • Trustworthy
  • Dependable


Coaching de gestion / Développement du leadership, Coaching exécutif, Coaching d'affaires, Coaching de carrière, Coaching d'intégration, Coaching d'équipe, Tests psychométriques et évaluation 360, Coaching mentoral
*Pour coachs certifiés ou en voie de l'être

Ma vision

I believe that every client has the capacity for achieving excellence as long as they have the courage to challenge their perceptions, think outside the box and embrace change. If their vision is founded on clearly articulated goals and a realistic plan of action I am convinced they will succeed.

Mon parcours

I have more than 30 years of practical leadership experience in the social service sector and have worked with various organizations to facilitate a variety of planning initiatives including change management initiatives, brainstorming sessions, union negotiation and strategic planning. I hold a Masters Degree in Leadership from Royal Roads University, Certification in Emotional Intelligence, and my ACC designation with ICF

Secteur d'activités

Administrations publiques, Commerce de gros, Gestion de sociétés et d’entreprises, Industrie de l’information et industrie culturelle, Services administratifs, de soutien, de gestion des déchets et d’assainissement, Services d’enseignement, Services publics, Soins de santé et assistance sociale

Contribution Coach Québec

21 avril 2022

Summary of the Coaches Breakfast held last March

Return on the last two coaches Breakfast [...]

18 novembre 2021

Return to work, part 2

The Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness identified the 5 most common challenges facing organizations. [...]

18 mars 2021

The need to Zoom out!

It was on January 25th, 2020, that the very first case of Covid-19 in Canada was announced by Health Canada... [...]

24 septembre 2020

The Advantage of an ICF Certified Coach

There is still some ambiguity on the advantages of hiring ‘’certified’’ as opposed to ‘’uncertified’’ coaches. This article is an attempt to bring some clarity to this important question. [...]

23 avril 2020

English Activities Committee: Virtual Breakfast

For many organizations and individuals the COVID-19 crisis has drastically altered the way we do business and conduct our personal lives. [...]