Our Community of English Coaches

Welcome to ICF Québec!

There is a thriving community of English-speaking coaches in Québec and many of them are active members of our local chapter. Why not join in!

As a predominantly francophone chapter, ICF Québec is sensitive to challenges in accessibility for minority linguistic groups, which is the case of English-speaking coaches in the province of Québec.

That’s why we are committed to....

  • Fostering of sense of belonging among anglophone coaches who engage with ICF Québec.
  • Offering regular opportunities to connect with Québec’s coaching community and develop their coaching skills, in English.
  • Promoting our innovative Tender Tool to a broad base of potential clients so that anglophone coaches who are certified members of ICF Québec have access to a greater number of coaching mandates in their preferred language.

We’d love to hear from you

  • Interested in speaking at one of our English Coaches Breakfasts?
  • Thoughts to share on what we’re doing well or how our chapter could better serve English-speaking coaches in Québec?

Write to us at edi@icfquebec.org.