20 avril 2023

Actions that align with our mission and priorities: Exciting Timespar Johanne Landry, PCC


During the October 2022 Annual General Assembly, we shared with you the priorities set as part of our 2022-2024 strategic planning:

  • Assert our tendering tool as a source of contracts for our certified coach members
    Make continuous improvements based on a defined process and conduct a feedback survey to better understand people’s experience with the tool and learn more about the coaching experience.
  • Foster diversity and inclusion
    Understand what that really means and what it involves for organizations such as ICF Québec; learn and take action together.
  • Deepen the understanding of our ecosystem and develop partnerships
    Develop an in-depth understanding of everyone in our ecosystem and the promising partnerships for our community and its development, including coaching schools, complementary professional associations, ICF global, etc.
  • Develop the membership experience – onboarding and certification
    Provide support to new members on arrival, so they can discover what ICF Québec has to offer and the opportunities membership affords them. How can we support our members in the certification process in collaboration with partner schools?

I wanted to share how this is currently taking shape.

Our committees are hard at work on their various projects.

A few recent initiatives have been introduced since November and more will be rolled out in coming months:

  • The Convention will be back, in person, on September 13-14. The program will be unveiled shortly. Stay tuned and join us once again for a great way to connect and recharge together.
  • The Ethics and Conduct section of the website has grown even richer in content, and our workshops on ethical thinking are really well received.
  • The tendering tool keeps evolving based on satisfaction survey responses from coaches and clients.
  • The partnership committee is focusing on developing closer ties with partner schools.
  • International presence and involvement: Synergie, American N-E chapters, chapter leader quarterly meetings, global membership committee, etc.
  • A more structured and cohesive presence in the media (print, social, and online) thanks to professional support.
  • High-energy, well-attended English Breakfasts.
  • A membership-experience strategy that is bearing fruit: onboarding activities that our new members appreciate, information during the certification exam process.

ICF Québec continues to set itself apart through the strength of its community. Over 50 volunteer members working on our various committees are building ICF Québec’s present and future.

Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity committee set up

A new Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity committee has been set up at ICF Québec.

ICF and its community of coaches hold professionalism, collaboration, humanity, and equity as core values[1]. The creation of this new committee is a tangible commitment of the ICF Québec Board of Directors to fostering more inclusive coaching. It is part of a worldwide movement toward sustainable development, which includes building a better, fairer and more prosperous world for all.[2]

The new committee will begin by defining its mission and vision for the Québec chapter, in line with current ICF Global directions.

Speaking of which, did you know that ICF Global focuses on four major areas?[3]

  1. Expand global representation for underrepresented communities to ensure inclusion and belonging throughout our ecosystem.
  2. Invest in education to increase diversity intelligence and provide professional development opportunities for leaders, volunteers, staff, ICF members, and other stakeholders.
  3. Create an accessible environment for all stakeholders with any disability.
  4. Establish policies that reinforce equity throughout the coaching profession and ICF community.

Julie Gouin PCC and Marthe Rocheteau PCC have enthusiastically stepped up to co-lead this new committee.

I now call on you to respond if you wish to contribute to the committee. Follow this link to answer their call.

Time to celebrate: ICF Global reiterates its recognition with a 2022 PERFORMANCE AWARD

On March 6, the members of the board of directors received an email stating

“Your chapter is among the 9 chapters selected for the 2022 performance awards by a panel of seasoned judges. Your chapter has demonstrated the qualities of a top-performing chapter in 2022:

  • Providing a presence and a credible voice for professional coaching in the community
  • Advancing the coaching profession
  • Ensuring solid operational infrastructures (through membership engagement and involvement)
  • Creating an efficient governance
  • Ensuring profitability and financial health”

We feel very proud and encouraged to continue our mission for our members and in our ecosystem.

On May 3, ICF will officially acknowledge the 2022 Performance Award winners at an online ceremony: ICF Brazil, ICF Colorado, ICF Québec, ICF Los Angeles, ICF Germany, ICF Hungary, ICF Romania, ICF Australasia, and ICF Bangkok. Several members of the board of directors will be in attendance. 

Our chapter has fostered and grown thanks to the engagement of our members, volunteers and partners, throughout the pandemic and through climate, sociopolitical, and economic upheavals. Despite this worldwide movement, we are staying focused on developing our community and enhancing our members’ experience so that they can grow in skill, acquire tools for their practice that align with our codes of ethics and conduct, and enjoy a rewarding and inspiring collective experience. We firmly believe that our commitment to the ongoing promotion of certified coaching helps build awareness of our profession and shine a spotlight our members.

Please join us if you want to continue to advance our community and our profession in its ecosystem. Our committees and regional communities would be delighted to have you.

We thank you for your trust.

[1] https://coachingfederation.org/about/our-values
[2] https://sdgs.un.org/goals
[3] lhttps://coachingfederation.org/diversity-and-inclusion

Johanne Landry, PCC Coach et formatrice