17 mai 2018

Articles d'ICF Internationalpar ICF Québec

À titre de membre ICF, vous avez accès à une multitude d’articles sur le site d’ICF international. Ils sont seulement en anglais, mais méritent d’être lus! En voici quelques-uns parus dernièrement.

As an ICF member, you have access to a multitude of articles on the ICF international website that deserve to be read! Here are some of them recently published.

How to Lead in your Business and Set yourself up for success http://bit.ly/2qrTm9P

Building Supportive Coach Communities with Twitter http://bit.ly/2HgVVoE #CoachingWorld

Get the tools, tips and insights from industry experts to help you build, sustain and grow your coaching business http://bit.ly/2IGa5h8

3 Online Business Mistakes I Made and How to Avoid Them (from Sara Ottoboni, Quebec ICF chapter) http://bit.ly/2EJ0ZgA

ICF Québec Chapitre d'International Coach Federation