11 février 2025 mardi | 18 h - 19 h 30 Équité, diversité, inclusion (EDI)1,5 CCE

Growing Humans - both at home and in the workplace


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Over half a century of research into adult (also called ‘vertical’) development has shown that human beings continue growing on the inside way after they have finished growing on the outside. Adults go through a series of increasingly complex stages of development, profoundly impacting the way they think, make decisions, take perspective, self-reflect or relate to other people. Over the past decade the field of leadership has intersected more and more thoroughly with vertical development, given the significant positive impact of mature (vertically developed) leaders in organisations and the desire to foster more such maturity at scale. What has been less explored is the value of vertical development in other aspects of our lives - such as parenting or education. And even less explored is how the wisdom gained in contexts of leadership can impact how we raise our children and vice-versa. 

In this session we will explore the intersections of vertical development, leadership and parenting/education to reflect on how our own transformation profoundly shapes how we show up in these seemingly different life-roles and also what role we can play as coaches in fostering our client’s vertical development, and our own. 


Dr. Alis Anagnostakis, PCC is the founder of the Vertical Development Institute and Adjunct Fellow at the University of the Sunshine Coast. She is a leadership development facilitator, executive coach, and researcher with over 17 years of experience working with senior leaders and teams across multiple industries, sectors and countries. She has dedicated her professional pursuits to supporting the development of leaders towards later stages of psychological complexity and maturity, and to designing and implementing effective developmental programs.

Alis is an experienced coach trainer and mentor, having supported hundreds of external and internal coaches on their path to ICF credentialling and is a regular guest speaker at ICF regional and global events.

As a researcher-practitioner, Alis’ main interest is in translating the insights from human development research into effective learning programs and coaching processes and in embedding action-research principles into program structure to maximise the measurable impact on individual participants, their teams and the broader businesses. More about her research here.