22 septembre 2023 vendredi | 13 h - 14 h 30 Partenaires1,75 CCE

Hardiness Resilience Gauge™ Certification Program

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The Hardiness Resilience Gauge™ (HRG™) can be used with individuals, groups, organizations, and in applied settings to facilitate development of the key qualities that are crucial for fostering resilient responses in stressful and changing circumstances.

People’s hardiness levels determine how they react and respond to stressful and unexpected situations. There are three components that make up a person’s hardiness level:
• Challenge: seeing change and new experiences as exciting opportunities to learn and develop
• Control: belief in one’s ability to control or influence events and outcomes
• Commitment: a tendency to see the world and day-to-day activities as interesting, meaningful, and having purpose

The HRG™ can assist in better understanding one’s generalized style of functioning that encompasses cognitive (thinking), emotional (feeling), and behavioural (acting) qualities that are instrumental for predicting how resilient an individual will be.

The certification process is simple and time effective. Certification gives you access to:
• Downloadable facilitator guide,
• Downloadable PowerPoint,
• Online webinar,
• Online assessment center tutorials,
• Coaching/training virtual call with a HRG™ Master Trainer, and
• Access to your online HRG™ assessment portal.

Application of the HRG™ includes, among other things:
• Leadership Development
• Team Effectiveness
• Stress Management and Well-Being Development
• Change Management
• Individual or Group Professional Coaching

Number of CCEs:
• Core Competency Credits: 1
• Resource Development: 0.75

Click for a free preview of the HRG™ Certification Program

ICF Member - $1097 (GST and QST included). Visit us to learn more about ICF member discounts
Non-Member - $1097 (GST and PST included).

Contact Name: Mylène Beauchamp, HRG® Master Trainer
URL: institute.alievo.com
E-Mail: mylene.beauchamp@alievo.com
Phone: 1.877.495.1757, ext. 102