10 décembre 2021 vendredi | 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM ICF Québec English Activities1 CCE

ICF Québec Coaches Breakfast

Membre ICF Québec Membre ICF Non Membre
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Lieu Virtual via Zoom link

Coaching for Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Anyone who is following today’s news understands that Diversity Equity and Inclusion have taken center stage on the world’s political arena.

Today more than ever before in our history, individuals and organizations in the light of growing awareness and a fast changing world are being forced to confront personal bias and reconsider their traditional world view.

Many organizational leaders today are reaching out to coaches to help them sort through inherited ideologies, identify personal blind spots, and create EDI policies that aim at creating a playing field that is equitable to everyone regardless of the colour of their skin, gender, sexual orientation, or economic circumstances.

This coaching for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion workshop will provoke coaches to consider their own bias’s, briefly explore some of the key challenges surrounding EDI implementation, and suggest some practical ways to increase D.E.I awareness in ourselves and our clients.


David is a leadership consultant, trainer and coach with a comprehensive understanding of leadership. He is passionate about helping leaders discover their full potential, realize their dreams, and bring lasting change to their organizations.

David retired from the Social Service sector and founded CareyForward, his own leadership training and executive coaching practice in 2018.

Since then, in addition to his private contracts David works as a trainer and coach for The Achieve Centre for Leadership, based in Winnipeg Manitoba, and Ultimate Potentials also based in Winnipeg.   His work has included training and coaching executives in Guyana, South America, and leadership training in varied First Nations communities in Ontario and Québec. Recently his work has shifted to focus primarily on training and coaching for diversity, integration and inclusion.

Member ICF Québec: Free
Member ICF only: $15 + taxes
No member: $25 + taxes

Date: Friday, December 10, 2021
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

For Information Contact:
Dave Carey - david.carey@live.ca 
438 777-3597 

NOTE : To Register, please proceed to the top of the page and click on the appropriate category (Membre ICF Québec, Membre ICF or Non-Membre). You will receive a Zoom link a few days before the meeting.