15 septembre 2010


They  say behind every great man there's a great woman; and I say, behind every great  coach is a great life coach. I find that the way you do one thing is the way  you do everything. In whatever situation you address, it’s all a matter of your  posture, motivation, determination and your own personal way of doing things.  This is why I titled this article: EVERYTHING IS A LIFE COACHING WORKSHOP.

Take  this coach’s recent experience for example… I joined a gym! After having extensively considered the matter, read magazines, examined  the options, shopped around for the plan that suited me best, arranged my schedule  and made my table of 'pros' and 'cons '. Then  I finally registered, prepared my bag and went over for my first session. But  on the way to the gym, last minute and unexpected feelings (or in my  vocabulary; “programs”) started to rise. What  are those feelings? Where do they come from? And how did I deal with them? Here  are a few answers.

The program of “excuses”: Anything I can find to prevent me from  going; such as: - I have no time! - Go there during lunch break? Too short! - Go at night? I’ll be too tired. -This is  for others; those who are already fit and want to maintain it. - I could  really spend my time on something else. - My health? My doc already told me  that everything looked OK, two years ago... - Wow, gyms are expensive! I could really spend that money elsewhere. -  I'll wait until I’m absolutely sure before  investing in it. - I know plenty of people who have started and quit along the  way. - The annual membership fees are not refundable? So if I quit, I'll lose my  money. And quite a few more…

The  program of “what will I look like”. - Are my  workout clothes up to date? or the same as my last visit to the gym, 5 years  ago? – Do I have to look like an athlete and if not I will stand out? –  I’m new, so I’ll be red as a tomato and pant like a dog! - All these machines! Which one does what exactly? I probably look pretty  lost! - That’s how I’ll look the first time,  then I’ll have to return and they’ll recognize me…

The program of “self-sabotage”: heading out to the very first  session, what did I forget? The training program I had so carefully chosen on  the Internet ... Forgotten? Circumstances?  Confusion? Or simply a pre-programmed idea of “I told you this wouldn’t  work”... Supported by a firm conviction and determination that I was doing the  right thing, the exercise guide would have been one of the first items to find  its place in my bag. Certainly, a lesson to be learned for the next time I find  myself in such a situation.

The programs of “competitiveness” and “performance”: This  exercise thing, am I doing it for me or for the others? What  really matters? Be the best ... or be in  shape? So why risk falling into the trap of comparing my performance with that  of others around me? I must honestly admit that I did deal with that program  for a while, up until it was time for the rubber to hit the road (or in this  case, for the soles of my running shoes to met the treadmill carpet) and at  that time, trust me, all that mattered was to make it happen and nothing else.

AND THEN…  came the program of “perseverance and determination”. This is definitely the one  that - in this coach’s humble opinion - allows us to make it through any test.  It is the mindset that has maintained my interest all along and has seen my  motivation through when the muscle pain started to appear! It allowed me to  return the second time and then the next few, until the habit was established.  It also allowed me to clearly see the real reasons why I got interested first  and foremost.

So there  you have it! My behind-the-scenes experience of that event. Of course, I could  have used a thousand other life situations: my first coaching experience in  front of a group, my wedding day, my parachute jump, happy situations, scary  situations, sad situations or exhilarating situations. Again, what it all boils  down to is this: - How am I showing up? - What is holding me back? - What is  moving me forward? This coach says: it’s all a matter of awareness; of every  moment of every experience. Identifying and dealing with the feelings is what  sees me through with fun, excitement and a deep desire for more life  experiences that will enable me to discover new and interesting stuff about  myself.

What is YOUR gym? Driving on the freeway?  Learning a musical instrument? Walking by a big dog? A conversation with your  teenager?  Dealing with your parents?  Dealing with your boss? Coaching a new client? Hiring a new accountant? YOU  choose… Everything is a life coaching workshop!

Simon Beauséjour Coach